Δημήτριος Χρ. Ηλιόπουλος MD PhD ΚΑΡΔΙΟΧΕΙΡΟΥΡΓΟΣ
Διευθυντής Μονάδας Χειρ. Παθήσεων της Αορτής Νοσοκομείου ΥΓΕΙΑ
Καθηγητής Καρδιοχειρουργικής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών
Καρδιοχειρουργικό Ιατρείο Υγεία
Μονάδα Χειρουργικών Παθήσεων της Αορτής
Νοσοκομείο ΥΓΕΙΑ Λ. Κηφισίας & Ερυθρού Σταυρού 4 Μαρούσι
Τηλ.: 2106867689 - 2106867690
Ερευνητικό Συγγραφικό Έργο
1. 1985 Iliopoulos D., Gourgoulianis C., Papageorgiou Α., Agnantis Ν., Tsakraklides V.:
The distribution οf Walker 256 tumor-cells labeled with 3HTDR in rats.
Pathology Research and Practice 180 (3) 276, 1985.
Θεματολογία Ογκολογία
Μεθοδολογία Πειραματική Μελέτη
Αρ. Ατόμων -
2. 1985 Iliopoulos D., Papageorgiou Α., Mahera Η., Agnantis N.J.:
A Biomathematical analysis of lymph node metastases (LMN).
Pathology Research and Practice 180 (3), 278-279, 1985.
Θεματολογία Ογκολογία
Μεθοδολογία Μοριακή μελέτη
Αρ. Ατόμων -
3. 1985 Iliopoulos D., Katsorchis Τ., Mahera Η., Agnantis N.J.:
Findings of electron microscopy (EM) in the early stages of lymph node metastases-study in
Pathology Research and Practice, 180 (3): 278, 1985.
Θεματολογία Ογκολογία
Μεθοδολογία Πειραματική μελέτη
Αρ. Ατόμων -
4. 1986 Lichtin Α.Ε., Guerry D., Elder DE., Hamilton R., Larrosa D., Herlyn D., Iliopoulos D.,
Thurin J., Steplewski Ζ.:
A phase - I study of monoclonal-antibody therapy in disseminated melanoma. J.
Invest. Derm. 87 (Ν3): 426, 1986.
Θεματολογία Ανοσολογία
Μεθοδολογία Κλινική μελέτη
Αρ. Ατόμων -
5. 1992 Williams ΝΝ., Gyoerfi Τ., Iliopoulos D., Herlyn D., Greenstin D., Unnenbach Ν., Daly JM.,
Jensen Ρ., Rodeck U., Herlyn Μ.:
Growth-factor in dependence and invasive properties οf colorectal carcinoma cells.
Int1. J. Cancer, 50 (2), 274-80, 1992.
Θεματολογία Ογκολογία
Μεθοδολογία Μελέτη κυτταρικών σειρών
Αρ. Ατόμων -
6. 1995 Espada R., Iliopoulos D.C., Weilbaecher D., Safi H.J.:
Sarcoma presenting as aortic aneurysm: Case reports and literature review.
Contemporary Surgery, τεύχος 46, 1995.
Θεματολογία Καρδιοχειρουργική
Μεθοδολογία Χειρουργική αντικατάσταση σαρκώματος που προσήλθε με συμπτωματολογία
ανευρύσματος αορτής και βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση.
Αρ. Ατόμων 1
7. 1997 Gagos S., Pathak S., Balafouta-Tseleni S., Iliopoulos D.C., Agapitos M., Kostakis A.,
Karayannacos P.E., Skalkeas G.D.:
Malfunction resulting from telomeric loss may be a possible mechanism for continuous cell
proliferation, clonal evolution and tumor heterogeneity: studies on two colon cancer cell lines.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, 1997.
Θεματολογία Ογκολογία
Μεθοδολογία Μελέτη κυτταρικών σειρών
Αρ. Ατόμων -
8. 2006 Tsatsaris A, Iliopoulos D, Baldoukas A, Donta I, Triantafyllou D, Berketis N, Triantafyllou
I, :
Effect of experimental stenosis on the vibration of the porcine aortic wall.
Vasc Diseas Prev. 2006 Jan; 3(4): 11-14.
Θεματολογία Αγγειοχειρουργική
Μεθοδολογία Πειραματική μελέτη
Αρ. Ατόμων -
9. 2007 Tsatsaris A, Iliopoulos D., Baldoukas A, Donta I, Berketis N, Koukounaris E, Motsakos T,
Kavanzas N.:
Radial Distribution of Elasticity in Porcine Thoracic Aorta.
Vascul. Diseas. Prev. 2007; 4(3): 201-204.
Θεματολογία Θωρακοχειρουργική
Μεθοδολογία Πειραματική μελέτη
Αρ. Ατόμων -
Σύνολον: Ήδη δημοσιευθέντα: 11
Από βιβλία: 11
1. 1984 Agnantis NJ., Mouzaka L., Iliopoulos D., Mahera Η.:
Correlations anatomo-cliniques sur l'edat de ganglions axillaires dans le cancer du sein. Apropos
de l'examen de 14.964 ganglions "Formation Medicale Continue en Senologie".
Sauramps Medical Publications: 15-18, 1984.
2. 1986 Herlyn D., Iliopoulos D., Sears Η., Koprowski Η.:
Approaches to immunotherapy of cancer with anti-idiotypic antibodies.
Lectures and Symposia 14th Intr. Cancer Congr., Karger, Basel, Budapest, (5): 205-212,1986.
3. 1996 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Iliopoulos D.C., Hassoun H.T.:
Surgery for thoracic aortic aneurysm in the USA. In: Kawashima Y., Omae T., Lakata L.G. (eds),
Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Disease in the Eldery (J-3).
Churchill Livingstone, pp 95-135, 1996.
4. 1987 Herlyn D., Wettendorff Μ., Iliopoulos D., Shcmoll Ε., Schedel 1., Koprowski Η.:
Modulation of cancer patient’s immune responses by administration of anti-idiotypic antibodies.
Proceedings: Ιn Update '87 Idiotype Networks and Immune Regulation ΙΙ:
Autoimmunity, Cancer, Receptors and Vaccines. V (Ι): 95-98, 1987.
5. 1990 Gogas Η., Iliopoulos D., Markopoulos C., Alevizou-Terzaki V., Marselos Ρ., Gogas J.:
Evaluation of tumor markers CEA, CA 19-9, CA 15-3, CA125, in breast cancer.
Proc. of Second World Week of Professional Updating in Surgery and in Surgical and Oncological
Disciplines of the University of Milan 11: 133-135, 1990.
6. 1996 Safi H.G., Iliopoulos D.C., Newland A.W.:
Assistance circulatoir dans le traitement des aneurysmes de l’aorte thoraco-abdominale.
In: Branchereau A. (ed) Nouvelles Aquisitions dans les Aneurysmes Aortiques. European Vascular
Course, Chirurgie Vasculaire Nouvelle, pp146-162, 1996.
7. 1997 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Iliopoulos D.C., Griffiths G.:
Long-term results following thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
In: Long Term Results of Arterial Interventions. Branchereau A., Jacobs M. (eds). European
Vascular Course, Futura Publishing Co, pp 181-193, 1997.
8. 1997 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Khoynezhad A., Iliopoulos D.C., Campbell M.P.:
The role of distal aortic perfusion, cerebral spinal fluid drainage and moderate hypothermia in
thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
In: Current Critical Problems in Vascular Surgery, Vol. 9 Quality Medical Publishing, 1997.
9. 1999 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Cambell M.P., Iliopoulos D.C.:
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Chapter 7. Diagnosis and treatment of Aortic and
peripheral arterial aneurysms.
Edited by Calligaro C.D., Dongherty M.J. and Hollier L.H. W. B. Saunders Co, pp 75-85, 1999.
10. 2000 Safi H.J., Neufang A., Miller C.C., Iliopoulos D.C., Le Blevec D.:
Circulatory support in thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
In: Surgical and endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysms edited by Alain Branchereau and
Michael Jacobs.
Futura Publishing Company, Inc., pp 193-205, 2000.
11. 2002 Iliopoulos D.C.:
Wound problems in the groin.
In Complications in Vascular and Endovascular Techniques-Part II. Future Co. 2002.
Συνολικός αριθμός: 68
Σειρά Υποψηφίου μεταξύ συγγραφέων
1ος ή μόνος σε: 11
2ος σε: 12
Τελευταίος σε: 12
Άλλη θέση σε: 33
1. 1985 Iliopoulos D., Skaltsas S., Mahera Η., and Agnantis NJ.: Experimenta1 Model of1ymph node metastases (LNM). Lymphatic metastases in Gynecologica1 Malignant tumors.
Pre Congress Seminar of the ΧΙ World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Rome, Italy, 1985
2. 1986 Iliopoulos DC., Atkinson Β., Strom ΒΙ., Saul SL., West SL., Rodriguez-Martinez ΗΑ., Herlyn Μ., and Soloway RD.: Monoclonal J antibodies allow differentiation between carcinoma, dysplasia, hyperplasia, and cholecystitis in human gallbladder sections.
American Gastroenterological Association, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Gastroenterology Research Group, San Francisco, USA, 18-21 May, 1986
3. 1986 Lichtin ΑΕ., Guerry D, Elder ΟΕ., Hamilton R., LaRossa Ο., Herlyn D., Iliopoulos D., Thurin J., and Steplewski Ζ.: Α phase-I study of monoclona1 antibody therapy in disseminated Melanoma.
XIIIth International Pigment Cell Conference, Tuscon, Arizona, 5-9 October, 1986
4. 1988 Iliopoulos D., Gougoulakis S., Danos J., Koprowski Η., Skalkeas G., Sechas Μ., and Iordanoglou J.: Circulation of CEA, CA 19-9, and Gangliosides in sera of lung cancer patients.
23rd Annual Meeting of SEPCR, 1988
5. 1989 Kakaviatos Ν., Iliopoulos D., Ρapachristοdοulοu Α., Fotiadis G., Sofos G., Gougoulakis Α., Υagos Ε., Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Skalkeas Gr.: CA 19-91evels as prognostic factσr in the course of acute pancreatitis.
2nd Mediterranean Surgical Congress. Athens, Greece, 1989
6. 1989 Karatzas G., Iliopoulos D., Sofos G., Gougoulakis Α., Papachristodoulou Α., Gogas J., Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Skalkeas Gr.: Diagnostic value of combined CEA and CA 19-9 determination in upper gastrointestinal tract tumors.
2nd Mediterranean Surgical Congress. Athens, Greece, 1989
7. 1989 Gogas J., Iliopoulos D., Markopoulos C., Skalkeas Gr.: Significance of detection of CEA, CA 15-3, and CA 19-9 in breast cyst fluid (preliminary report).
2nd Mediterranean Surgical Congress. Athens, Greece, 1989
8. 1989 Papachristodoulou Α., Iliopoulos D., Karatzas G., Gougoulakis Α., Sofos G., Fotiadis Κ., Liapis C., Gogas J., and Skalkeas Gr.: The signifying value of CA 19-9 compared to CEA in the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma.
2nd Mediterranean Surgical Congress. Athens, Greece, 1989
9. 1989 Fotiadis C., Gogas J., Karatzas G., Gardikis S., Sechas Μ., Iliopoulos D., Skalkeas Gr.: The Mirizzi J Syndrome.
2nd Mediterranean Surgical Congress, Athens, Greece, 1989
10. 1989 Sechas Μ., Liapis C., Sofos G., Iliopoulos D., Υagos Ε., Skalkeas Gr.: TcP02 measurements in short tern treatment with increased doses of Buflomedil Hydroch1oride in advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
15th World Congress of International Union of Angiology, Rome, Italy, 1989
11. 1989 Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Yagos Ε., Gougoulakis Α., Zografos G., Iliopoulos D., Alexiou Η., Skalkeas Gr.: The role of peripheral arterial lesions in Leriche's Syndrome.
15th World Congress of International Union of Angiology, Rome, Italy, 1989
12. 1989 Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Gougoulakis Α., Υagos Ε., Iliopoulos D., Zografos G., Danou C., Skalkeas Gr.: The treatment of simultaneous aortic aneurysm and other abdominal organs diseases.
15th World Congress of International Union of Angiology, Rome, Italy, 1989
13. 1991 Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Iliopoulos D., Verikokos C., Dovas Ν., Chloroyannis J., Philippides Ph., Katsilambros Ν., Skalkeas Gr.: The role of microbial flora in diabetic patients with foot ulcers.
The Diabetic Foot, 1st International Symposium and Workshop, The Netherlands, 3-4 May, 1991
14. 1991 Polyzos Α., Markopoulos C., Iliopoulos D., Dardoufas Κ., Χefteri Ε., Sfίkakis Ρ.: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Local1y Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC). Then how many modalities?
17th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Berlin, FRG, Germany, 23-28 June,1991
15. 1991 Sechas Μ., Iliopoulos D., Koumakis Κ., Hallaq G., Liapis C., Skalkeas Gr.: Changing trends in surgical treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome.
7th European-3rd Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Rhodes, Greece, June, 1991
16. 1991 Sechas Μ., Liapis C., Zografos G., Iliopoulos D., Koutsogiorgas Ρ., Tzatzadakis Ν., Dousaitou Β., Skalkeas Gr.: Changing trends in the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
7th European-3rd Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Rhodes, Greece, June, 1991
17. 1991 Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Koumakis C., Avdelidis D., Hallaq G., Iliopoulos D., Papathanasiou A., Dousaitou Α., Paloumbi C., Skalkeas Gr.: Carotid stenosis and brain atrophy: 1s they’re any connection?
7th European-3rd Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Rhodes, Greece, June, 1991
18. 1991 Sechas Μ., Liapis C., Iliopoulos D., Verikokos C., Zografos G., Dovas Ν., Dousaitou Β., and Skalkeas Gr.: Rena1 arteriovenous fistulae.
7th European-3rd Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Rhode, Greece, June, 1991
19. 1991 Liapis C., Verikokos C., Iliopoulos D., Sofos G., Katechis Ο., Philippides Ρ., Katsilampros Ν., Sfιkakis Ρ., and Sechas Μ.: The value of TcP02 measurements in the eva1uation of microcirculatory disturbances in Type-I diabetics.
7th European-3rd Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Rhodes, Greece, June, 1991
20. 1991 Liapis C., Iliopoulos D., Verikokos C., Zografos G., Patapis Ρ., Sechas Μ., Skalkeas Gr.: Seasona1 variation of incidence of ruptured aortic aneurysm.
7th European-3rd Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Rhodes, Greece, June, 1991
21. 1992 Liapis C., Verikokos C., Iliopoulos D., Philippides Ρ., Katsilampros Ν., Sechas Μ., Sfikakis Ρ., Skalkeas Gr.: The evaluation of microcirculatory disturbances in type-l diabetics.
16th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, PC 100-0896, Paris, France, 1992
22. 1992 Liapis C., Sechas Μ., Gougoulakis Α., Iliopoulos D., Verikokos C., Patapis Ρ., Zografos G., Dοusaitοu Β. and Skalkeas Gr.: Seasonal variation in the incidence of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: Fact or fiction?
16th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, PC 100-0587, Paris, France, 1992
23. 1993 Liapis C., Verikokos C., Iliopoulos D., Phillipides Ph., Sechas Μ., Skalkeas Gr.: The transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurements in the study of peripheral arteriopathy in diabetics.
4th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Corfu, Greece, 1993
24. 1993 Liapis C., Iliopoulos D., Verikokos C., Gougoulakis Α., Sechas Μ., Skalkeas Gr.: Seasonal variation of peripheral arterial emboli.
4th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology, Corfu, Greece, 1993
25. 1994 Agapitos Ε., Karayannacos Ρ.Ε., Kotsarelis D., Dontas Ι, Iliopoulos D., Skalkeas Gr.: Platelet-derived growth factor in the aortic wall of atherosclerotic rabbits.
American College of Surgeons, Athens, Greece, 1994
26. 1994 Safi H.J., Bartoli S., Iliopoulos D., Espada R., Asimacopoulos P.J.: Current management of thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair: The role of cerebral spinal fluid drainage and distal aortic perfusion.
80th Annual Clinical Congress of American College of Surgeons, Chicago, USA, October, 1994
27. 1994 Safi H.J., Iliopoulos D., Gopinath S., Hess K., Bartoli S., Taher A., Asimacopoulos P.J.: Retrograde cerebral perfusion via the superior vena cava in pigs.
41st Annual Meeting of Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, Marco Island, Florida, USA, November, 1994
28. 1995 Safi H.J., Mootha R., Hess K., Iliopoulos D.C., Randel M., Baldwin J.C.: The impact of cerebral spinal fluid drainage and distal aortic perfusion on neurological complications in patients with type I and type II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms.
43rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, New Orleans, USA, June, 1995
29. 1995 Petras C., Vadugananathan P., Iliopoulos D.C., Baldwin J.C., Zoghbi W.A., Quinones M.A., Safi H.J.: Detection by transesophageal echocardiography of atherosclerotic plaques in aortic aneurysms and dissections: comparison with pathology.
68th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Anaheim California, USA, 13-16 November, 1995
30. 1995 Papagrigorakis E., Iliopoulos D., Asimacopoulos P.J., Safi H.J., Weilbaecher D.C., Morrisett J.D.: Elevation of plasma and tissue levels of lipoprotein (a) [Lp (a)] in patients with aortic aneurysm.
68th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Anaheim California, USA, 13-16 November, 1995
31. 1995 Safi H.J., Blossom G.B., Spiers J., Baldwin J.C., and Iliopoulos D.C.: The elephant trunk technique and extensive aortic aneurysm.
81st Clinical Congress of American College of Surgeons, New Orleans, USA, 22-27 October, 1995
32. 1995 Iliopoulos D., Papagrigorakis E., Asimacopoulos P.J., Safi H.J., Weilbacher D.J., Morrisett J.D.: Elevation of plasma and tissue levels of lipoprotein (a) in patients with aortic aneurysm.
XII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, Houston, Texas, USA, 7-10 November, 1995
33. 1995 Safi H.J., Letsou G.V., Iliopoulos D.C., Miller C.C., Baldwin J.C., Hassoun H., Asimacopoulos P.J.: The impact of retrograde cerebral perfusion on ascending and arch aneurysm repair.
Annual Meeting, Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, Cancun, Mexico, 7-9 November,1996
34. 1996 Safi H.J., Cambell M.P., Iliopoulos D.C., Miller C.C., Letsou G.V., Asimacopoulos P.J.: Cerebral spinal fluid drainage and distal aortic perfusion decrease the incidence of neurologic deficit: The results of 343 descending and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repairs.
European Society for Vascular Surgery, X Annual Meeting, Venice, Italy, 12-15 September,1996
35. 1996 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Iliopoulos D.C., Joshi A., Tabor M., Zippel R.: Predictive factors for acute renal failure in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.
Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Naples, Florida, USA 24-27 January, 1996
36. 1997 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Yawn D.H., Iliopoulos D.C., Harlin S., Letsou G.V.: The impact of distal aortic perfusion and visceral perfusion on liver function during thoracoabdominal aortic repair.
21st Annual Meeting, The Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Coronado, California, USA, 22-25 January, 1997
37. 1997 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Reardon M., Fields R.K., Iliopoulos D.C., Letsou G.V., Baldwin J.C.: Acute and chronic aortic dissection surgery: Recent outcome with regard to neurologic deficit and early death.
Southern Thoracic Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Naples, Florida, USA, 6-8 November, 1997
38. 1997 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Iliopoulos D.C., Griffiths G.: Long-term results following thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
European Vascular Course, Marseille, France, 4-5 Apraxie 1997.
39. 1997 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Carr C.L., Iliopoulos D.C.: Influence of intercostal artery reimplantation on incidence of neurologic deficit following repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm.
Join Annual Meeting, Society for Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1-9 June, 1997.
40. 1998 Safi H.J., Suramaniam M.H., Miller C.C., Iliopoulos D.C., Harrison B.: Hypothermic circulatory arrest and repair of thoracic and/or thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm through left chest incision.
26th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 25-29 March, 1998
41. 1998 Safi H.J., Miller C.C., Cambel M.P., Iliopoulos D.C.: The effect of extended cross-clamp time during thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
The Society for Thoracic Surgeons, 34th Annual Meeting New Orleans, USA, 26-28 January, 1998
42. 1998 Safi H.J., Russel S., Iliopoulos D.C., Baldwin J.C.: Repair of ascending aortic and transverse arch using the elephant trunk technique and profound hypothermia.
The Society of Thoracic surgery 30th Annual Meeting New Orleans, USA, 20-28 Junε, 1998
43. 1999 Katsarolis I., Iliopoulos D., Pefanis A., Siaperas P., Kostomitsopoulos N., Karayiannakos P., Giamarellou H.: Successful prophylaxis with Trovafloxacin against experimental aortic valve endocarditis caused by streptococcus viridans.
39th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA, 26-29 September, 1999
44. 1999 Siaperas P., Iliopoulos D., Pefanis A., Katsarolis I., Karayannakos P., Giamarellou H.: Treatment of experimental aortic valve endocarditis due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus with vancomycin and dexamethasone.
5th International Symposium on Modern Concepts in Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Infections. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1-3, 1999
45. 2000 Iliopoulos D.C., et al: Changes in aortic function after the interposition of a tubular graft in the descending thoracic aortic.
XXXV Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, Malmo, Sweden, 1-3 June, 2000
46. 2004 Stamou D. Demesticha Th., Livanios St., Iliopoulos D., Perrea D., Papadimitriou L.: The effect of magnesium sulphate on cerebral pressure autoregulation.
International Congress on Resuscitation KI 62, Issue3 p.334, Budapest, Hungary, 2004
47. 2006 Toutouza K, Tsiamis E, Patsa C, Vavuranakis M, Iliopoulos D, Chlorogiannis I, Pattakos E, Stefanadis C.: Drug eluting stents versus surgical treatment with left internal mammary artery in patients with proximal lesion in LAD suffering from chronic stable angina.
ESC Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 September, 2006
48. 2006 Patsa Ch, Toutouzas K, Tsiamis E, Vavouranakis M, Iliopoulos D., Chlorogiannis I, Pattakos E, Stefanadis Ch.: LIMA vs DES for the treatment of proximal lesion in LAD in patients with chronic stable angina.
Athens Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics VII, AICT, Athens, Greece 28-29 September, 2006
49. 2006 Tsiamis E, Toutouzas K, Patsa Ch, Vavouranakis M, Iliopoulos D, Chlorogiannis I, Pattakos E, Stefanadis Ch.: DES versus Surgical treatment with Left Internal Mammary Artery in patients with proximal lesion in LAD suffering from chronic stable angina.
Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, TCT, Washington DC, USA, 22-27 October, 2006
50. 2007 Iliopoulos D, Deveja R, Satratzemis V, Koudoumas D.: Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest for aortic valve replacement in a case of porcelain aorta.
56th ESCVS International Congress, Venice, Italy, 17-20 May, 2007
51. 2007 Toutouzas K, Patsa C, Vaina S, Tsiamis E, Stefanadis E, Spanos A, Iliopoulos D, Panagiotou M, Chlorogiannis I, Stefanadis C: CABG with LIMA versus DES implantation in patients with isolated lesion in the proximal segment of LAD, suffering from chronic stable angina.
ESC Congress 2007, Vienna, Austria, 1-5 September, 2007
52. 2007 Patsa Ch, Toutouzas K, Vaina S, Riga M, Tsiamis E, Spanos S, Vavouranakis E, Chlorogiannis I, Pattakos E, Iliopoulos D, Panagiotou M, Stefanadis Ch.:
A comparison between DES versus CABG with LIMA for the treatment of proximal lesion of LAD suffering from chronic stable angina and diabetes mellitus.
Athens Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics VIII, AICT, Athens, Greece 28-29 September, 2007
53. 2007 Toutouzas K, Patsa Ch, Vaina S, Tsiamis E, Spanos S, Vavouranakis E., Chlorogiannis I, Pattakos E., Panagiotou M, Iliopoulos D, Stefanadis Ch.: CABG with LIMA versus PCI with DES implantation in patients with lesion in the proximal segment of LAD, suffering from chronic stable angina.
Athens Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics VIII, AICT, Athens, Greece 28-29 September, 2007
54. 2008 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Deveja R, Iliopoulos D.: Effect of aortic diameter on the biochemical properties of ascending aortic aneurysms.
Sixth IASTED International Conference on Biochemical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, 13-15 February, 2008
55. 2008 Kritharis E, Iliopoulos D., Deveja R, Sokolis D.: Directional differences in the biomechanical properties of ascending aortic aneurysms.
Sixth IASTED International Conference on Biochemical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, 13-15 February, 2008
56. 2008 Iliopoulos D, Kritharis E, Lampropoulos K, Sokolis D.: Heterogeneity in mechanical properties of ascending aortic aneurysms.
XXIII World Congress of the International Union of Angioplasty, Athens, Greece, 21-25 June, 2008
57. 2008 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Giagkini A, Lampropoulos K, Iliopoulos D.: The influence of aneurysm on the mechanical properties of ascending aorta. XXIII World Congress of the International Union of Angioplasty, Athens, Greece, 21-25 June, 2008
58. 2008 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Lampropoulos K, Iliopoulos D.: Gender differences in the mechanical properties of ascending aortic aneurysms.
XXIII World Congress of the International Union of Angioplasty, Athens, Greece, 21-25 June, 2008
59. 2008 Iliopoulos D., Kritharis E, Giagkini A, Lampropoulos K, Sokolis D.: Mechanical properties of ascending aortic aneurysms: classification by aortic diameter.
XXIII World Congress of the International Union of Angioplasty, Athens, Greece, 21-25 June, 2008
60. 2008 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Lampropoulos K, Iliopoulos D.: The effect of gender on the biochemical properties of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms.
ESC Congress, Munich, Germany, 30 August-3 September, 2008
61. 2008 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Lampropoulos K, Giagini, Papadodima S, Iliopoulos D.: Effect of aneurysm on the biomechanical properties of the ascending thoracic aortic wall.
Athens Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics IX, AICT, Athens, Greece, 26-27 September, 2008
62. 2008 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Lampropoulos K, Iliopoulos D.: Regional and directional variations in the rupture properties of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms.
Athens Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics IX, AICT, Athens, Greece, 26-27 September, 2008
63. 2008 Lampropoulos K, Sokolis D, Kaloudis N, Tsotsoros G, Kourgiannidis A, Marinakis A, Kouvelas N, Iliopoulos D.: Plasma levels of NT-proBNP in patients with acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary intervention. A twelve-month follow-up analysis.
Athens Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics IX, AICT, Athens, Greece, 26-27 September, 2008
64. 2009 Sokolis D, Kritharis E, Lampropoulos K, Giagini A, Papadodima S, Iliopoulos D.: Aneurysm-induced changes in the mechanical properties and structures of the ascending thoracic aorta.
ESC Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 29 August-2 September, 2009
65. 2010 Iliopoulos D., Deveja A., Kastelanos E., Satrazemis V., Androutsopoulou V., Filias V., Demis Agron A., Manna I., Koudoumas D.: Early and intermediate results of aorta valve replacement using a stentless bioprosthesis.
15th Congress on Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Sodehotel Woluwe, Brussels, Belgium, 20 November, 2010
66. 2010 Iliopoulos D., Giagini A, Sokolis D.: Effect of Gender on Metalloproteinases/ Tissue Inhibitors Expressiion, Collagen/ Elastin Content and the Mechanical Propertiew of Ascending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms, Scientific Sessions
The American Heart Association, Chicago IL, USA, Nov 13-17 2010 (abstract)
67. 2012 Sokolis D., Kritharis EP., Lampropoulos KM., Iliopoulos D.: Mechanical Properties of the Aneurysmal Sinuses of Valsalva: Regional and Directional Variations, XVVI th European Congress of Cardiology
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68. 2012 Iliopoulos D., E.P. Kritharis, S. Boussias, A. Demis, C.D. Iliopoulos, D.P. Sokolis.: Biomechanical properties and histological structure of sinus of Valsalva aneurysms in relations of age and region.
Journal of Biomechanics, 13-12-2012
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Συμμετοχή σε Τριμελείς Επιτροπές Διδακτορικών Διατριβών
Συμμετοχή σε Επταμελείς Επιτροπές Διδακτορικών Διατριβών
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Βραβεία - Διακρίσεις - Υποτροφίες
Μέλος Συντακτικής Επιτροπής Επιστημονικών Περιοδικών (Reviewer)
Συμμετοχή σε Επιστημονικές Συναντήσεις
Ομιλίες σε Συνέδρια - Περιλήψεις Ανακοινώσεων σε Ελληνικά Συνέδρια
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